How Big Do Labrador Retrievers Get?

How Big Do Labrador Retrievers Get?


A adult male Labrador will weight between 60 and 80 pounds.

Is A Lab The Right Dog For You?

If you are interested in becoming a dog owner, then doing your research into the many different dog breeds out there is critically important. After all, all breeds are different in terms of size, color, activity, loyalty, trainability, etc. Knowing which dog is right for you will typically come down to weighing all of the pros and cons that come along with each breed. Some breeds might require more activity than others, while other breeds might be more prone to certain health issues. All of these concerns will likely factor into your decision – and that’s a good thing! When it comes to Labrador Retrievers, they are certainly one of the most versatile dog breeds that you could find – and they make wonderful family pets. Known as partners for fishing and hunting, Labrador Retrievers have also become quite popular as service dogs and assistance dogs. So, whether you want to take your Lab with you on a hunting trip, or if you’re looking to add a new furry friend to your family, they are excellent pets. With that in mind, let’s answer one of the most common questions that come along with adopting a Labrador Retriever – how big do Labrador Retrievers get? What To Expect With Your Labrador Retriever Labrador Retrievers are not the largest dog breed out there, but that doesn’t mean that they’re small! In fact, they are quite substantial dogs. They make for adorable little puppies, but they quickly grow into full-sized dogs between 12 and 18 months! With that said, it’s important to remember that your puppy will increase in size rather quickly, but just because they’re full sized, it doesn’t mean that their brain is fully developed just yet either. Think about it this way – your teenager might be finished growing by 18 years old, but that doesn’t mean that their brain is fully developed into an adult brain just yet! Dogs grow at a different rate than human beings, and that means that your Labrador Retriever might be full grown and still have the mind and personality of a playful puppy. How Much Do Labrador Retrievers Weigh? Again, Labrador Retrievers certainly are not the largest of dog breeds, but they can certainly grow quite tall and put on some weight. For example, the average adult male Labrador Retriever can reach a height of anywhere between 22.5” and 24.5” tall. From there, that same adult male might weigh anywhere between 65 pounds and 80 pounds! As you can see, an 80 pound dog is a substantial dog! With that said, it’s important to make sure that your space can accommodate a dog of this size. But wait – what about different color Labs? Great question! The good news is that the average size and weight of different color Labrador Retrievers remains the same. This means that whether your Labrador is a brown, gray, black, or yellow Labrador, you can expect the same height and weight.